Postdigital Intimacies symposium: 19 July 2018, Coventry University

Date: Thursday 19 July 2018
Time: 11:00am - 4:30pm - Includes Lunch
Location: The Grass, DMLL, Lanchester Library, Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), Coventry University
The postdigtial intimacies symposium brings together a network of researchers at Coventry University and our wider global networks who are looking to make sense of how we relate to ourselves and to others in complex, anxious, unequal worlds. This symposium will be the beginning of a collaborative, negotiated and participatory collective, which will look to define new questions about and how we shape of intimacies into the future.
Engage with us online via twitter: @CovUni_CPC
The registration page is also available now
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