All Posts
This page contains all the posts from the Open Humanities Notebook section of Media Gifts.
- On Not Writing Accessibly - with David Graeber and Rebecca Solnit
- The Pluriveral Politics of Radical Publishing's Scaling Small
- 'Publishing After Progress' special issue of Culture Machine
- On Es Devlin and Ekow Eshun's Congregation
- What If Marx Had Had ChatGPT?: Revolutionizing Philosophy Just Like the iPhone Transformed the Telephone
- Drone Aesthetics: War, Culture, Ecology, edited by Beryl Pong and Michael Richardson
- Fungi Media by Piotr Bockowski
- Dark Botony: The Herbarium Tales, edited by Prudence Gibson, Sigi Jottkandt, Marie Sierra and Anna Westbrook
- Oxford and the Observer Do Social Mobility
- No 1 Introduction to the Robot Review of Books
- 30-Second Book Review No.2: K Allado-McDowell’s Amor Cringe and Pharmako-AI
- 30-Second Book Review No.1: Kate Crawford, Atlas of AI
- Thousands of Readers, But Who Cares?
- Authenticity by Bookshelf
- Surveillance Fashionism
- New Issue of Culture Machine: Anthropocene Infrapolitics
- Launch of the Experimental Publishing Compendium
- Is Big Publishing Killing The Academic Author?
- Creative AI - Thinking Outside The Box
- Proud To Be Anti-Growth
- NFTs - Does It Have To End This Way?
- ‘How To Be A Pirate: An Interview with Alexandra Elbakyan and Gary Hall by Holger Briel’
- Ecological Rewriting: Situated Engagements with The Chernobyl Herbarium
- Invest in the De-liberalisation of Society
- A History of Asking, by Steven Connor - new open access book from OHP
- On Naomi Klein's 'AI Machines Aren't Hallucinating. But Their Makers Are'
- Experimenting with Copyright Licences
- Articulating Media: Genealogy, Interface, Situation, edited by James Gabrillo and Nathaniel Zetter
- Data Farms, edited by Tsvetelina Hristova, Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter
- Geological Filmmaking and Volumetric Regimes: two new open access books from Open Humanities Press
- Well, I Guess I Rather Asked For That, Didn't I: Review of A Stubborn Fury
- Anthropofictions, new edition of Culture Machine (Spanish & Portuguese language only)
- Culture and the University as White, Male, LIBERAL HUMANIST, Public Space
- The Ruin of Culture
- Culture Must Be Defunded
- Glitch Poetics by Nathan Allen Jones
- The Culture War and Attack on the Arts
- Art & Knowledge
- Announcing the Open Humanities Press Reading Group
- Más allá del derecho de autor: Otros términos para debatir la propiedad intelectual
- This City Does Not Exist
- Bifurcate: There Is No Alternative Edited by Bernard Stiegler and the Internation Collective
- Fabricating Publics and Hacking the Anthropocene: two new open access books from Open Humanities Press
- The Interfact by Gabriel Yoran - new open access book from Open Humanities Press
- 'Pluriversal Socialism - The Very Idea', published in Media Theory
- Machine Intelligences, new edition of Culture Machine - available open access
- Filosofia pirata y tribajo editorial / Pirate Philosophy and Editorial Work
- The Postdigital City for Post-Pandemic Times - free online conference
- 'La modernidad fue un "blip" en el sistema' - interview with me in the Colombian weekly magazine Semana
- hypnosubjects: on becoming human, by Timothy Morton and Dominic Byer, new open access book from Open Humanities Press
- Can We Unlean Liberal Humanism: book launch for A Stubborn Fury, 25 March, by Zoom
- Psychopolitical Anaphylaxis: Steps Towards a Metacomsics: new open access book from Open Humanities Press
- Aesthetic Programming - A Handbook of Software Studies: new open access book from Open Humanities Press
- My new book - A Stubborn Fury: How Writing Works in Elitist Britain
- Dehumanising the Mind
- Sin criterios: Spanish translation of Steven Shaviro's Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze available from Open Humanities Press
- Midlands 4 Cities PhD Studentships with the Centre for Postdigital Cultures
- Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene - new open access book from Open Humanities Press
- Machine Sensation, by Tessa G. Leach - available open access
- We’re Not Going Back To Arguing From Evidence Anytime Soon, Deal With It: Postdigital Politics in a Time of Pandemics V
- A Virtual Book Stand
- Anthropocene Back Loop by Stephanie Wakefield: new from Open Humanities Press
- How to Be An Anti-Bourgeois Theorist: Postdigital Politics in a Time of Pandemics IV
- ‘F**k Business’ As Usual: Postdigital Politics in a Time of Pandemics III
- If We Can Have Disaster Capitalism, Why Can’t We Have Emergency Marxism?: Postdigital Politics in a Time of Pandemics II
- Postdigital Politics in a Time of Pandemics I: On the Commons and the Crisis of Representative Democracy
- Locked In The Coronavirus Event
- Flatten the Curve, Build the Care: A Resource for Organizing Efforts Around Coronavirus
- Spanish translation of Timothy Morton's Realist Magic from Open Humanities Press (OA)
- Attention, Habit, Becoming in India’s Platform Ecologies
- Bernard Stiegler's Nanjing Lectures: new book from Open Humanities Press
- Remixing Persona: An Imaginary Digital MediaObject from the Onto-Tales of the Digital Afterlife by MALK (Mark Amerika / Laura Kim)
- Paper Struggles & Public Library and the Property Form: Exhibition and Seminar
- How To Be a Pirate in the 21st Century
- Experimental Publishing III - Critique, Intervention And Speculation
- 100 Atmospheres: First of the OHP Seed Books
- On Class In Elitist Britain
- CPC Researchers at Coventry to lead £2.8 million Project To Develop Open, Not-For-Profit Community-Owned Ecosystem For Open Access Monographs
- Pirate Care
- Delivered the Same Day: The Post Office and
- Experimental Publishing II – Critique, Intervention, And Speculation
- Thermal Objects and The Nature of Data Centers: new double issue of Culture Machine
- On Gesture: Approaches and Questions event
- We Started Building a Progressive Ecosystem for the Arts and Humanities – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!
- Posthumanities Publishing
- Anti-Bourgeois Theory
- Experimental Publishing I – Critique, Intervention, and Speculation: a symposium
- MEDIA:ART:WRITE:NOW - new book series from Open Humanities Press
- The Left Can't Meme
- cfp: Pirate Care conference, 19/20 June, 2019
- Cities of InfraRed
- Polish translation of New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies
- Why the Radical Open Access Collective is Not Taking Part in Scholastica's 'Academic-Led Publishing Day'
- Ways of Following: Art, Materiality, Collaboration by Katve-Kaisa Kontturi
- Executing Practices: New Book in OHP's DATA browser series
- Übercapitalism and What Can Be Done About It
- Do We Need To Publish Fewer Texts By People From A Privately Educated Background?
- CfP: Post-H(uman) index? Politics, metrics, and agency in the accelerated academy November 29th and 30th Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
- Postdigital Intimacies symposium: 19 July 2018, Coventry University
- On the Obsolescence of Bourgeois Theory in the Anthropocene
- Suspended Sentences: An Interview With Stelarc
- Bernard Stiegler, The Neganthropocene
- Registration Now Open For Radical Open Access II - The Ethics Of Care
- Launch of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, February 7, 2018
- The Inhumanist Manifesto: Extended Play
- Three New Research Posts in Postdigital Cultures at Coventry University
- Radical Open Access Website Launched
- CFP: Thermal Objects, special issue of Culture Machine
- OHP in The House That Heals The Soul exhibition at Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
- ♯postARTandSCIENCE symposium at the Wellcome Collection
- The Digital University in a Neoliberal Age symposium
- The Inhumanist Manifesto
- Three new OHP books from: Brian Massumi; Steven Connor; and Érik Bordeleau, Toni Pape, Ronald Rose-Antoinette and Adam Szymanski
- Ten Ways to Affirmatively Disrupt Platform Capitalism and the Sharing Economy of Uber and Airbnb ♯4: Establish A Collaborative Data Sharing Community
- Document Practices Symposium, University of Leeds, May
- Interactive Version of The Uberfication Of The University Now Available In Minnesota's Manifold Series
- Ten Ways to Affirmatively Disrupt Platform Capitalism and the Sharing Economy of Uber and Airbnb ♯3: Become a Microdatapreneur
- The Philosophical Salon - new book from Open Humanities Press' Critical Climate Change series
- Disrupting The Humanities: Towards Posthumanities - special issue of JEP
- Ten Ways to Affirmatively Disrupt Platform Capitalism and the Sharing Economy of Uber and Airbnb ♯2: Pressure Regulators To Change The Law
- Ten Ways to Affirmatively Disrupt Platform Capitalism and the Sharing Economy of Uber and Airbnb ♯1: Act Tactically
- Data Commonism: Introduction
- Pirate Philosophy and Post-Capitalism: Podcast
- Writing, Medium, Machine - Modern Technographies: New Book from Open Humanities
- Open Research Workshop, Goldsmiths, University of London
- The Uberfication of the University: Interview With Inside Higher Education
- J. Hillis Miller, Literature Matters - new book from OHP
- Response to Pirate Philosophy, Experimental Publishing and Beta-Testing the Future
- Digital Humanities and Digital Media: Conversations on Politics, Culture, Aesthetics and Literacy - new book from OHP
- New Book - Pirate Philosophy
- The Missing Community
- Really, We're Helping to Build This Fucking Business: The Files
- On Open Humanities Press And Other Projects
- Thinking With Media Technologies
- From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg
- Liberalism as a 'Way of Doing Things'
- Neoliberal Subjectivation
- Videos from the 'Why Are We Not Boycotting' Symposium Now Available
- Ubercapitalism
- How the Internet Economy Changes the Rules
- Why Are We Not Boycotting - Symposium, Coventry University, 8 December
- Photomediations: A Call for Creative Works
- Performing the Humanities @ 24 fps: Part 2
- Performing the Humanities @ 24 fps: Part 1
- Does Mean Open Access Is Becoming Irrelevant?
- Occupy: A People Yet To Come, and The First Sail: J. Hillis Miller - two new books from OHP
- Open Humanities Press: Funding and Organisation
- Radical Open Access conference
- Photomediations: An Open Book
- Post-Welfare Capitalism and the Uberfication of the University III: The Freelance Microentrepreneur To Come That I Am
- Post-Welfare Capitalism and the Uberfication of the University II: Platform Capitalism
- Post-Welfare Capitalism and the Uberfication of the University I: Socialism for the Wealthy, Capitalism for the Rest
- Plastic Bodies - new book from OHP by Tom Sparrow
- Pirate Capitalism
- New Culture Machine Live Interview with media theorist Federica Frabetti
- Radical Methodologies for the Posthumanities: Third Disrupting the Humanities Seminar
- How to Produce a Critique of 'Open' in 3 Easy Steps
- The Crossick Report and the Strange Case of the Missing Monograph Crisis
- Piracy in Theory and Practice
- Videos from the Open Education: Condition Critical Event
- Capital at the Brink - new book from OHP
- Viva Culture Machine!: Latin American Mediations
- Technographies: new book series from Open Humanities Press
- Open Education: Condition Critical
- Disruptive Media Learning Lab
- Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene: new book from OHP
- Piracy and Open Access
- Drone Culture - call for papers for Culture Machine 2015 issue
- Performative Publications
- Rethinking Gamification and meson press
- A Very Brief History of Neoliberalism: From the Open Society to the Sharing Economy
- PhD Studentships in Digital Media
- Centre for Disruptive Media: Our take on disruption
- Videos from the first Disrupting the Humanities seminar
- Creative Hacktivism
- The Aesthetics of the Humanities: Towards a Poetic Knowledge Production
- Capitalism vs Communism: Copyfight
- Zombie Materialism IV: Performative Materiality and Media Archaeology
- Zombie Materialism III: From Materialism to Materials
- Disrupting the Humanities
- Immediations, edited by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi
- Zombie Materialism II: New Materialism
- Zombie materialism I: Derrida vs Deleuze?
- Essays on Extinction: Vol.1, Death of the PostHuman, and Vol.2, Sex After Life
- Architecture in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy
- Speculative computing and the aesthetics of the humanities: Johanna Drucker
- Biomediaciones / Biomediations: new Liquid Book
- Fibreculture book series
- What are the Digital Posthumanities?
- Platform politics: new issue of Culture Machine
- PhD studentship in digital media, Coventry University
- OHP Feedback blog - call for participation
- New living book about life: the unborn human by Deborah Lupton
- Photomediations machine
- Open book digital humanities series
- 'We are all game-changers now': open education - a study in disruption
- For a post-digital post-humanities
- How we remain modern
- Publishing futures for the arts and humanities
- #MySubjectivation IV: The university as academic subjectivation machine
- New from OHP: Timothy Morton's Realist Magic
- Open Media seminar series - spring 2013
- #MySubjectivation III: Capital as academic subjectivation machine
- Culture machine live
- #MySubjectivation II: The philosophical impossibility of unliking media technologies in the mind of someone living
- Losing their buzz: are Routledge and Sage the next Starbucks?
- #MySubjectivation: I
- Two new books from OHP: New Materialism; and Terror, Theory and the Humanities
- Open Media lecture series
- Paying attention: new issue of Culture Machine
- Better living through sharing: living books about life and other open media projects
- Two new open access books in OHP's Critical Climate Change series
- Pirate Radical Philosophy
- Creative media activism - a free, open class #creativact
- Open media seminar series
- Withdrawal of labour from publishers in favour of the US Research Works Act
- Force of binding
- OHP releases six open access books in critical theory
- On liquid, living books: Shakespeare and the Bible
- Open access bridges the 'two cultures'
- Just think of me as a postproduction of presence
- For a speculative research and publishing economy
- What do we have the right not to call a 'book'?
- 'Gathered through dispersion': the book to come
- Open notebook humanities
- McKenzie Wark, ‘copyright, copyleft, copygift’
- Ulises Carrión: a text is only a book when it is bound
- On the unbound (nature of this) book (version 3.0)
- Towards a new political economy: Open Humanities Press and the open access monograph
- The open scholarship full disclosure initiative: a subversive proposal
- On the limits of openness VI: has critical theory run out of time for data-driven scholarship?
- On the limits of openness V: there are no digital humanities
- On the limits of openness IV: why Facebook is not a factory (even though it profits from the exploitation of labour)
- On the limits of openness III: open government
- On the limits of openness II: from open access to open data
- On the limits of openness I: the digital humanities and the computational turn to data-driven scholarship
- ‘Follow the money’: the political economy of open access in the humanities
- Affirmative media theory and the post-9/11 world (part 2)
- Affirmative media theory and the post-9/11 world (part 1)
- Paper - the most radical technology of all?
- The academic as public intellectual
- The neurological turn and the ambient scholar